無矽配方特別為漂髮、染髮、燙髮及嚴重受損的頭髮而調製!具強效保濕力,有效修復及滋養受損髮質,保護頭髮免受太陽光及化學劑損害,回復秀髮彈性,增添光澤。不含矽靈、MI、MCI、Paraben,無添加人造色素,無化學香精,純素建議每星期使用2次漂髮、染髮或燙髮後建議連續使用一星期再作正常保養。主成份:摩洛哥堅果油—液體黃金,含大量不飽和脂肪酸及維他命E,有助重建受損髮絲。椰子油—可以穿透髮鞘,由內而外保護秀髮。維他命B5— 改善毛髮光澤,保持頭髮濕潤,減少頭髮分叉,防止乾脆及斷裂,對頭發起保護、修復、護理作用。維他命E—天然抗氧化劑,能保護頭髮及毛囊細胞免受自由基傷害。植物角蛋白—增加頭髮強度及彈性,保護頭髮免受電髮、漂染對髮絲的傷害。水解小麥蛋白—增加頭髮光澤及強度,令秀髮不易開叉折斷。快樂鼠尾草精油—刺激頭髮生長,令頭髮回復健康。天竺葵精油—增加頭髮彈性。薰衣草精油—刺激頭髮生長。一般使用方法:洗髮後用毛巾稍稍抹乾水份將髮膜置於掌心,雙手輕輕揉開(一元份量已足夠及肩頭髮)離開頭皮,均勻塗抹於頭髮上,建議於受損部份加強塗抹停留約5分鐘後沖洗乾淨即可加強修護使用方法:洗髮後用毛巾稍稍抹乾水份將髮膜置於掌心,雙手輕輕揉開(一元份量已足夠及肩頭髮)離開頭皮,均勻塗抹於頭髮上,於受損部份加強塗抹再用熱毛巾覆蓋停留約15分鐘後沖洗乾淨即可Argan Oil Healing Hair Mask Silicone-FreeSilicone-free formula is great for damaged and colored hair. Argan Oil Healing Hair Mask Silicone-Free helps nourish and hydrate your hair. It also prevents environmental and product damage.Paraben-free, Silicone-free, Artificial colour-free, Artificial fragrance-free, MI、MCI-free, VeganApply Argan Oil Healing Hair Mask Silicone-Free twice a week.Use for a week after perm, dye or bleach.Main ingredients:ARGAN OIL-Very rich unsaturated fatty acids (e.g. omega 3 and omega 9) and in vitamin E which can effectively treat damage hair.COCONUT OIL-Penetrates the hair shaft, getting past the cuticle. This helps it repair your hair from the inside out and helps prevent further damageVITAMIN B5-Includes optimum moisture balance, as it vitalizes and nourishes hair. It helps increase strength and reduces breakages.VITAMIN E-Is known for its antioxidant properties and hence, this particular vitamin can repair damaged hair follicles.VEGEKERATIN-Increases hair strength, enhances elasticity and protects hair from harsh salon processesHYDROLYZED WHEAT PROTEIN-Increased shine and highlights.CLARY SAGE Essential Oil-Enhance hair grow and maintain healthy hair.GERANIUM Essential Oil-Enhances elasticity.LAVENDER Essential Oil-Enhance hair grow.Directions:Dispense a small amount onto the palm of your hand, approx $1 coin is enough for short to medium length fine hair with more needed for different hair types. Spread through the palm and then work it through towel dried hair starting around 3cm from the scalp to the ends. Leave in for 5 minutes . Rinse thoroughly.For optimise mask's effects:Cover your head with a hot towel for 15 minutes after applying the mask on your hair.
摩洛哥堅果油深層修護髮膜 無矽 100g Argan Oil Healing Hair Mask Silicone-Free
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